
Smart Cooling Optimization Unit

The Conventional Way, How it Work? Is it Save Energy?

In conventional condition, the existing air-conditioner is operated by a timer and thermostat.

The disadvantage of this application is, the thermostat is unable to detect the actual room temperature due to the position of thermostat is impractical or thermostat is corrupted.

As a result, the operation of existing air-conditioner will continue to operate without stopping.


The graph above shows that an air condition continues to operate even the room temperature is decreased causing the energy bill to increase.

It is because the air-conditioner is unable to detect the actual room temperature due to the thermostat location is not practical or the thermostat is faulty.

A New Era Smart Cooling Optimization Unit

The existing air-conditioner are able to operate more efficiently by using Smart Cooling Optimization Unit. It able to operate as an inverter compressor and the operation is based on the desired room temperature.

Taiace Smart Cooling Optimization Features Diagram

Operation of an air conditioner (non-inverter) with a Smart Cooling Optimization System

Taiace Smart Cooling Optimization Features Diagram

The air-conditioner is able to run according to the desired room temperature because of the desired room temperature being detected by the main controller and the main controller will instruct the VFD to regulate or turn off the compressor operation. As a result, the installation of a cooling optimization system will contribute to energy savings and save the electricity bill.

Start and Stop Compressor

- The main controller will detect the actual room temperature.

- Will instruct the compressor to operate if the room temperature is higher than the set back temperature.

- Will instruct to stop the compressor if the room temperature is lower than the set point temperature.

- The operation of the compressor is based on the temperature setting at main controller. (Set point and Set back)


- Minimum frequency 35Hz.

- Maximum frequency 50Hz.


- Saving Mode : Air-Cond is operated using smart cooling optimization system.

- Bypass Mode : Air-Cond is operated using existing system.
